channel islandsとは意味:{地名} : チャンネル諸島、チャネル諸島◆《1》英?イギリス海峡(仏コタンタン半島西方50Km、自治政府を持つ。United Kingdom には含まれない)。《2》米?ロサンゼルス西方50Km。 channel islands meaning:[Medicine] A group of four British islands and several islets in the English Channel off the coast of France. They are known to have been occupied prehistorically. They were a part of Normandy in 933 islands en francais:n. les îles anglo-normandes (groupe d'îles sous contrôle britannique)channel islands artinya:kepulauan channelchannel islands 뜻:phrase, 해협제도(프랑스 북서부의 영령의 섬)channel islands перевод:nостров шаннел Channel Islands Нормандские острова